The Dante Sculpture
To commemorate the 700 year anniversary of Dante in 2021, Timothy Schmalz has created a sculpture of each of the 100 cantos in the Divine Comedy. Included in the project is a life-size sculpture of Dante in exile.
Each sculpture highlights one of the most interesting scenes from the canto, creating a visual read of the epic poem, which is widely considered the greatest work in the Italian language. The culmination of this work can be celebrated through a walk in the Dante sculpture garden which is location on the campus of University of Toronto at St. Michael’s College in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
To see the full 100 cantos of the Divine Comedy in bronze, visit the Dante Sculpture site:

This life-sized Dante sculpture depicts Dante Alighieri writing the first Canto of the Divine Comedy. Installed in Badia Florentina, Florence, Italy and Robinson College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UK.
Watch Timothy Schmalz as he sculpts Dante
and the one hundredth canto of the Divine Comedy
at the Badia Fiorentina in Florence, Italy.