I Absolve You

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Padre Pio’s passing, on September 2018, the Saint Pio Foundation launched the first Padre Pio Week at St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral, located in the Little Italy section of Manhattan in New York City. The full week of initiatives started with the presentation and blessing of the masterpiece statue “I Absolve You,” created by the acclaimed Canadian artist Tim Schmalz. The statue depicts Jesus on the cross and Padre Pio in confession, who during his own ministry spent up to 14 hours per day in the confessional.
It portrays the great dedication of Padre Pio to the sacrament of penitence and reconciliation as well his devotion to saving souls.

“The true power of the Sacrament of Reconciliation: through the confessional window the face of Jesus is revealed.”
-Timothy Schmalz

I Embrace You
On September 23, 2021, on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the passing of Saint Pio, Timothy Schmalz’s sculpture “I Embrace You” was installed in a public square in Pietrelcina, Italy. It is dedicated to the “People of the United States of America,” in remembrance of the impact of America on Padre Pio’s young life as his father went to the United States in search of work to pay for private tutoring for his son, which allowed him to meet the academic requirements to enter the Capuchin Order.
March 9, 2024, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the arrival of Grazio Forgione (Padre Pio’s father) in the United States of America, the only available 10-ft replica of “I Embrace You” was installed at the St. Mary Church – Holy Spirit Parish, in the town of New Castle, in Pennsylvania.

On the day of the installation of “I Embrace You” in Pietrelcina, a smaller replica was blessed by Pope Francis.
Padre Pio with Demon

This sculpture illustrates Padre Pio strangling a demon and pushing him into nothingness, with one fist posed to strike.
“I think so many people today have struggles with evil and they have these battles going on,” Schmalz said of Catholics and non-Catholics alike. “I thought that to have this saint in combat with evil and winning is a wonderful representation — and a very much authentic representation — of St. Padre Pio.”

Padre Pio with Demon installed at the church of St. Pio of Pietrelcina in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy.
St. Michael the Protector

St. Michael the Protector depicts the archangel protecting Padre Pio from a demon, as Padre Pio kneels in prayer.
This sculpture has been installed at the entrance to the Grotto Church of Saint Michael (St. Michael’s Cave), in Monte Sant’Angelo, Italy.

Padre Pio with Mary
This sculpture of Padre Pio has his hands out in prayer. Mary is behind the saint. The work is framed with a shape symbolic of the ancient symbol of Christianity that is also similar to the breast cancer ribbon.